Friday, January 22, 2010

Buy Polygon Lamp Uk Sum Of Turning Angles In A Nonconvex Polygon?

Sum of turning angles in a nonconvex polygon? - buy polygon lamp uk

38. Draw three different convex polygons. If you go to a polygon, to turn every corner you turn right (clockwise) or left (left). A left is measured by a positive number of degrees and a right curve with a negative number of degrees. Find the sum of the rotation angle of the polygon you drew. Suppose you start at a point in the direction of one side, walk around the polygon, and end at the summit itself in the same direction as when you started.

I know that the answer should buy 360, how can it be a negative number.


cheeser1 said...

Was basically what happened - you can turn left, then right, then left, then right, etc., but you must return to where she was, this means that (the angle, the sum) and "external" edges perhaps 360 to add. You're right, it could be. But if it is a case of this kind of thing spiral? I spent even more. Perhaps 720 or more.

But what about 720? Well, that's twice 360th You see, if you would come to around the face and they were seeking, so if you exercise more than a multiple of 360, not from that direction.

However, a rotating spiral, you will like you, before again on how to begin. So, more than 360, you can be a multiple of 360th

Every convex polygon has 360 (or -360) as the sum due to the restriction of convexity. But are, in general, you get all the multiples of 360th

For example, if you are to 720 degrees, follow the same path back. This gives -720. You can evTo obtain 0, starting in the middle of something like an eight. Go right, left, the other side.

The answer is actually a multiple of 360th If more restrictions, then the answer is "only 360 or -360 may be changed, but this was not specified. For more information about this award and an interactive applet, see:
See also: ...

Pseudony... said...

It can be negative when you started to walk 360 degrees around the polygon in the other direction.

In fact, it is impossible to just over 360 degrees, or -360 obtained when the polygon is simple (ie if you never cross). Otherwise, any multiple of 360 degrees is possible, if at all.

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